News - 07/07/2021 Organisations denounce a project at the UN, that hinders demarcation of indigenous land in Brazil
Joint statement - 29/06/2021 In a letter to Lira, organizations claim that PL 490 makes demarcation of Indigenous Lands unfeasible
News - 28/06/2021 Organizations denounce at UN changes to environmental licensing and the “time frame” thesis
Opinion editorial - 28/06/2021 Article: Dismantling the environmental licensing compromises Brazil’s entry into the OECD
News - 24/06/2021 Eletrobras privatization bill bypasses FUNAI and IBAMA protection agencies for power line construction
News - 22/06/2021 Supreme Court unanimously orders immediate protection for Munduruku and Yanomami peoples
News - 11/06/2021 Time frame: Moraes requests prioritisation and Supreme Federal Court interrupts ruling on demarcation of indigenous land