News - 13/02/2023 Agência Pública and Conectas release grants for reports on Energy and the Climate Crisis
News - 06/02/2023 Sur 32 debates challenges of global human rights movement; read the latest issue of the journal
Public Statement - 01/01/2023 New government must consolidate democracy and reverse the dismantling of human rights
News - 20/12/2022 Focusing on human rights, Conectas engages in advocacy in the Transitional Government
News - 20/12/2022 Retrospective 2022: the defense of human rights in the most important year since redemocratization
Event - 30/11/2022 Conectas and Sesc stage 6th Ideas Fair and celebrate International Human Rights Day
News - 14/11/2022 Under review in the UN, Brazil is urged to protect indigenous peoples and rights defenders