At the UN, Damares says she advocates women’s rights but insists on the criminalisation of abortion
Impasse at the Brazilian-Venezuelan border must be resolved diplomatically and focused on humanitarian principles
Dozens of Venezuelan and international organisations are asking authorities to ensure that humanitarian aid is delivered on the basis of technical experience and concern for the population
Training Network for refugee reception groups, activities in Porto Alegre
The symposium and workshops will be held in the Public Prosecutor’s Office headquarters in Rio Grande do Sul from 18 to 20 March
Institutions call for members of congress to create a front to defend democracy
Civil society organisations call for politicians to form a Joint Congressional Front
Observatório de Favelas and Conectas hold debate on Race and Human Rights
Sur Magazine 28 will be launched in a discussion group between activists and researchers on issues concerning black women. The magazine is dedicated to this subject and a minidoc will be shown on the fight of the mothers of victims of state violence
Crisis in Venezuela requires a democratic, peaceful solution
Conectas, WOLA and Dejusticia have appealed to Venezuelan authorities to guarantee the right to protest and the safety of protesters
Decree increases number of positions authorised to classify data as ‘top secret’
In a joint letter, organisations criticise measure that changes the rules of the Freedom of Information Law
Bolsonaro government announces continuity in reception of venezuelan refugees