
Who defends the human rights defenders?

Conectas and SESC Pompeia to stage debate in São Paulo as part of the activities to celebrate International Human Rights Day

Defensores ambientais realizam ato na Câmara dos Deputados em protesto ao decreto que extinguiu a Renca 
(Foto: José Cruz/Agência Brasil - 30/08/201) Defensores ambientais realizam ato na Câmara dos Deputados em protesto ao decreto que extinguiu a Renca (Foto: José Cruz/Agência Brasil - 30/08/201)

Conectas and SESC Pompeia will stage a debate on Wednesday, December 11, on the threats faced by human rights defenders in Brazil.

As one of the activities in celebration of International Human Rights Day, the topic “Who defends the human rights defenders?” will be debated by the political ecologist Felipe Milanez, a professor at the Federal University of Bahia; the lawyer Júlia Neiva, a coordinator at Conectas; and Jurema Werneck, executive director of Amnesty International Brazil.

The panel discussion will be moderated by the journalist Leonardo Sakamoto, a doctor in political science from the University of São Paulo (USP) and author of the popular Blog do Sakamoto on the UOL website.

International Human Rights Day is celebrated on December 10 to observe the approval of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights – the more important international commitment guaranteeing fundamental rights and freedoms.


Topic: Who defends the human rights defenders?
Participants: Felipe Milanez, Júlia Neiva and Jurema Werneck.
Moderation: Leonardo Sakamoto
When: December 11, from 7:30 pm to 9:30 pm
Where: Sesc Pompeia – Rua Clélia, 93.
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