
Unprecedented agreement signed includes protection of the environment and defenders

The Escazú agreement establishes standards for rights to access information, public participation and access to justice on environmental matters.

Acordo de Escazú estabelece padrões para os direitos de acesso à informação, participação pública e acesso à justiça em assuntos ambientais
Acordo de Escazú estabelece padrões para os direitos de acesso à informação, participação pública e acesso à justiça em assuntos ambientais

Transparency, openness and participation are the three basic principles of the Escazú Agreement, which has been signed by 15 countries in Latin America and the Caribbean, including Brazil, at a fringe meeting of the 73rd General Assembly of the United Nations. The document is a landmark and establishes a regional commitment to the protection of the environment and the defence of human rights.

The “Regional Agreement on Access to Information, Public Participation and Access to Justice on environmental matters in Latin America and the Caribbean,” known as the Escazú Agreement, is a judicial tool in the area of environmental protection, but is also a human rights treaty. The aim is to guarantee the participation of people and access to information on decisions that affect the environment and access to justice, in the case of violations of rights.

“One of the positive points about the Escazú Agreement is the provision for the obligation to protect people who are defending human rights involving environmental issues.” Said Jefferson Nascimento, Advisor on the Conectas Development and Socio-environmental Rights Programme. “This means that countries are committed to both the security and well-being of these defenders, as well as to prevention, investigation and punishment in cases of attacks and threats against these people.” Added Nascimento.

The agreement was adopted in March of this year, in Escazú, in Costa Rica, and was inspired by Principle 10 of the 1992 Rio Declaration on Environment and Development that addresses access to participation, justice and information on environmental themes. The treaty will come into effect after it has been ratified by at least 11 countries. The agreement will be analysed by the Brazilian National Congress. This is a preliminary requirement for the conclusion of the ratification of international treaties.

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