
Unfair charge

Organizations call for exemption on document fees for vulnerable migrants

Venezuelanos aguardam na fila da Polícia Federal em Boa Vista (RO) - Foto: Gustavo Huppes Venezuelanos aguardam na fila da Polícia Federal em Boa Vista (RO) - Foto: Gustavo Huppes

Civil society organizations are calling for an exemption on fees for vulnerable immigrants who want to obtain documentation in Brazil. They warn that the exemption is urgent to enable the regularization of Venezuelans who have entered Brazil recently across the border with the state of Roraima.

The exemption is provided for in the new Immigration Law (article 4 item XXII and article 113 paragraph 3), which was signed by President Michel Temer in June. However, since the introduction of the new law will still take six months (it will come into effect in November 2017), the organizations support the approval of an executive order to cope with the current demand.

The Venezuelans in Brazil are fleeing the serious humanitarian crisis that has gripped their country and according to Resolution 126/2017 of the CNIg (National Immigration Council) they are entitled to request temporary residency for two years. The fees required for this residency process, however, total R$312, putting the documents out of reach of these immigrants who in most cases cannot afford them.

Conectas and another thirty organizations sent a letter to the Office of the Presidential Chief of Staff requesting the swift approval of an executive order making this exemption. The organizations argue that “providing Venezuelan immigrants with the possibility of doing this without paying the high fees involved is advisable, opportune, makes good sense and maximizes the public service, while also supporting a vulnerable population”.

  • Click here to read the statement in full.

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