
UN opens registration process for organisations interested in gaining consultative status

Civil society organisations can send their applications by 1 June to the Economic and Social Council; find out how to submit applications

Sala do Conselho de Direitos Humanos da ONU Sala do Conselho de Direitos Humanos da ONU

Registration is open for civil society organisations interested in gaining United Nations consultative status. Status is granted by the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) and permits participation in several different aspects of the UN system. NGOs have until 1 June to submit applications. 

>>>Follow this link for further details and registration 

Civil society organisations with consultative status, which was introduced by the UN in 1996, are able to watch international conferences and other events, to present written and oral statements at these events, to organise parallel events, to have access to United Nations facilities, to benefit from opportunities to make new contacts and to create social networks with other institutions. 

The requirements for NGOs to gain consultative status at the ECOSOC are: the organisation´s work must be relevant to the work of the ECOSOC; it must have a transparent and democratic decision-making system and a democratically-adopted statute; it must have its own headquarters and an executive director and must have been in existence for at least two years, among others.

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By virtue of this status, Conectas, for example, can work within the framework of the Human Rights Council which is inside ECOSOC. The council, the headquarters of which are in Geneva in Switzerland, holds regular meetings and is an important space for international advocacy in the field of human rights. 

NGOs that have been authorised by ECOSOC can also participate in other UN discussion forums, including the Commission on Sustainable Development, the Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues and the Commission on Narcotic Drugs. 

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