
UN and Public Prosecutor’s office petitioned over repression of protests in São Paulo

Conectas, Article 19 and IBCCrim petition the Public Prosecutor’s Office and international bodies to call for measures from the São Paulo government after a series of violations

Ao menos 48 pessoas foram detidas de forma arbitrária nas recentes manifestações em São Paulo (Foto: Daniel Arroyo / Ponte Jornalismo) Ao menos 48 pessoas foram detidas de forma arbitrária nas recentes manifestações em São Paulo (Foto: Daniel Arroyo / Ponte Jornalismo)

After a series of arbitrary detentions of demonstrators and violent police repression of protests in São Paulo this year, civil society organizations petitioned the Public Prosecutor’s Office on Thursday, January 30, to call for measures and request information from the São Paulo State Public Security Department. The organizations also sent an urgent appeal to the UN and the OAS for Brazil to urge state governments to make a greater commitment to guaranteeing constitutional rights such as freedom of expression and assembly.

In the documents, the organizations Conectas, Article 19 and IBCCrim (Brazilian Criminal Sciences Institute) stressed the seriousness of the arbitrary detention of at least 48 people, including for verification – which is forbidden by the Brazilian Constitution. Given the infringement of both domestic legislation and international standards, they are asking for a position from the São Paulo State Public Security Department, calling on the Public Prosecutor’s Office to exercise its constitutional duty of external oversight of the police and asking for the international bodies to monitor the situation. 

According to the organizations, this is an “unacceptable situation that requires an urgent response: an investigation of the violations committed and the adoption of transparent and proportionate protocols on the use of force by the police. The document also requests the urgent repeal of Decree 64,074/2019 that establishes a series of unconstitutional rules and measures to limit and suppress popular demonstrations.


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