
Time for pressure

Access the list of members of Congress on Twitter and help stop the age of criminal responsibility being lowered

The mobilization against lowering the age of criminal responsibility is gaining increasingly more traction on Twitter. A list published today, June 24, contains the profiles of all the members of Congress who have an account on the social network. The purpose is to facilitate and stimulate interaction between citizens and lawmakers and raise the resistance against Amendment 171/1993, which is scheduled to be voted in the lower house in the next few days.

The list also includes information from a survey conducted by Amanhecer Contra a Redução – a movement fighting the amendment – in conjunction with the Human Rights Secretariat of the Presidency of the Republic on the members of Congress who have not yet defined their positions on the matter.

Consult the list and demand that the members of Congress from your state or party vote against lowering the age of criminal responsibility.

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