
The programme, made by Folha and Conectas, is available every Friday on the main audio streaming platforms

The programme, made by Folha and Conectas, is available every Friday on the main audio streaming platforms

The second episode of the podcast “Cara Pessoa”, produced by Folha de São Paulo, in conjunction with Conectas, went on the air on Friday 16th and covers social equality and prejudice in Brazil.

To elucidate this week´s theme, the programme heard the lawyer and activist Sheila de Carvalho, Jurema Werneck who is a doctor and a director at Amnesty International and the economist and inequality researcher, Naércio Menezes.

The programme is hosted by the journalist Fernanda Mena, and is available every Friday at 9am, on the main audio streaming platforms.

The narrative of the episodes is in the format of reading letters addressed to listeners, so that diverse human rights thinkers´ stories can be told in an informal and creative style.

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