
The case of Marielle is discussed in meetings at the UN

In addition to Monica Benício, Marielle’s widow, representatives of Brazilian civil society and members of UN special procedures also participated in the meeting.

Representantes da Redes da Maré, Observatório da Intervenção, Anistia Internacional, Conectas Direitos Humanos e Mônica Benício, viúva de Marielle Franco, se reuniram nesta quarta-feira, 19 de setembro, em Genebra, com a Alta Comissária Adjunta da ONU para os Direitos Humanos, Kate Gilmore, com a Relatora Especial da ONU para Execuções Sumárias, Agnes Callamard, e membros das equipes dos Relatores Especiais da ONU para Defensores de Direitos Humanos e Violência contra a Mulher.
Representantes da Redes da Maré, Observatório da Intervenção, Anistia Internacional, Conectas Direitos Humanos e Mônica Benício, viúva de Marielle Franco, se reuniram nesta quarta-feira, 19 de setembro, em Genebra, com a Alta Comissária Adjunta da ONU para os Direitos Humanos, Kate Gilmore, com a Relatora Especial da ONU para Execuções Sumárias, Agnes Callamard, e membros das equipes dos Relatores Especiais da ONU para Defensores de Direitos Humanos e Violência contra a Mulher.

Representatives of Redes da Maré, Observatório da Intervenção, Amnesty International, Conectas Human Rights and Mônica Benício, Marielle Franco’s widow, met on Wednesday 19 September, in Geneva, with the UN Deputy High Commissioner for Human Rights, Kate Gilmore, the UN Special Rapporteur for Summary Executions, Agnes Callamard and team members of the UN Special Rapporteur on Human Rights and Violence against Women.

During the meetings the group denounced violations of rights in the context of the militarisation of public security in Brazil and the increase in murders involving the police. They also talked about the dearth of answers about the assassination of the human rights defender and councilwoman, Marielle Franco.

The Deputy High Commissioner expressed her solidarity with Marielle’s widow and proposed dialogue with the state about the assassination of Marielle Franco and the situation of human rights defenders in Brazil. She also recalled questions posed to the Brazilian state during the session of the Human Rights Council about federal intervention in Rio de Janeiro and concerns over human rights violations resulting from the intervention.

The UN Rapporteur on Summary Executions, Agnes Callamard, also expressed her solidarity with Monica Benício and showed concern with the escalation in violence in the context of the militarisation of public security in Brazil. She stressed the importance of discussing concrete proposals to reduce violence in terms of human rights.

At the end of the day the group presented research data, to the Rapporteurs on Human Rights Defenders and Violence against Women, regarding violence against women in the Maré favela and the broader picture of violence against human rights defenders, as well as concerns over the lack of progress of investigations into the assassination of Marielle Franco.

“In a meeting with the UN, after more than six months without a response, I denounce the Brazilian government’s neglect regarding the absence of justice in the case of the political execution of Marielle. I have also requested international support for an impartial investigation and still claim that the Brazilian authorities will have blood on their hands until they answer who killed my partner, Marielle Franco and who gave the order to kill her.” Said Mônica Benício, Marielle Franco’s widow.

“This is a very important moment for Brazilian civil society and is also highly relevant in enabling the UN to understand what is happening in Brazil. By listening to the demands presented by organisations that work at the grassroots level, the UN will be better equipped to act according to its mandate of protection and promotion of human rights.” Said Camila Asano, Programme Coordinator at Conectas Human Rights.

“The denunciations we have brought to the Human Rights Council regarding violations of rights in the context of federal intervention and the lack of answers regarding the assassination of Marielle have already been made in Brazil. But the Brazilian authorities seem not to be listening. They have failed to solve the case of Marielle and have not implemented any measure to reduce murders by the police. Given this scenario, mobilisation and international visibility are essential. And this is why we are here.” Said Renata Neder, Research Coordinator at Amnesty International Brazil.

“The meetings today with UN representatives have shown the importance of denunciations at the international level of violations of rights that happen in the favelas and in underprivileged areas of Brazil. Without a doubt, this is a way of pressuring for effective changes in the field of the right to life and to public security.” Said Eliana Silva, Director at Redes da Maré.

“In a meeting with the UN, after more than six months without a response, I denounce the Brazilian government’s neglect regarding the absence of justice in the case of the political execution of Marielle.

I have also requested international support for an impartial investigation and still claim that the Brazilian authorities will have blood on their hands until they answer who killed my partner, Marielle Franco and who gave the order to kill her.” Said Mônica Benício, Marielle Franco’s widow.

“Today’s meetings were important in determining that the international community sees the federal intervention with concern from the outset. It was also important to share data and analysis from these seven months as a way of consolidating international dialogue regarding the problems of public security caused by the Intervention. This cooperation has proved fundamental, given that the Brazilian government insists on denying the increase in crimes against life, particularly deaths caused by police officers.” Said Pablo Nunes, Research Coordinator at the Observatório da Intervenção.

On Thursday, 20th, the organisations are holding an event in parallel to the 39th session of the UN Human Rights Council. The event “Militarisation of public security: federal intervention in Rio de Janeiro, extrajudicial executions and risks for human rights defenders” will take place in Room XXVII of the Palais de Nations, at 12.30 pm (Geneva)/7.30 am (Brasília), and will be transmitted live on the Red Internacional de Derechos Humanos Facebook page.

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