
“Struggle for Life”: indigenous peoples accompany judgment of the “Time Frame” in Brasília

“Struggle for life” encampment brings together indigenous peoples from different parts of the country; Supreme Court to judge “Time Frame” case on Wednesday, August 25

Indígenas acampados em Brasília para acompanhar julgamento do Marco Temporal no STF. Foto: Matheus Alves/WWF Brasil Indígenas acampados em Brasília para acompanhar julgamento do Marco Temporal no STF. Foto: Matheus Alves/WWF Brasil

APIB (Association of Indigenous Peoples of Brazil), together with its grassroots organizations, began on Sunday, August 22, the national mobilization “Struggle for Life” in the capital Brasília. The activities will be staged until August 28 and are intended to reclaim rights and protest the anti-indigenous agenda in place in Congress and in the federal government.  The main target of the mobilization is the judgment in the Supreme Court, scheduled for August 25, of the so-called “time frame” thesis, which could define the future of indigenous land demarcation in Brazil. 

“We cannot remain silent in the face of this violent situation. It is not just the Covid-19 virus that is killing our people, and this is why we decided to once again go to Brasília to continue fighting for the lives of indigenous peoples, for mother earth and for humanity,” said Sonia Guajajara, an executive coordinator of APIB.

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Busy program of events 

The mobilization is planned to last seven days in the federal capital and has a busy program of meetings, political discussions in federal government bodies and embassies, as well as marches and public demonstrations. Over this period, indigenous peoples from all regions of the country will be camped in Praça da Cidadania (Citizenship Square).

The encampment will have an intense program of political discussions and cultural events. All the activities have a communication team formed mostly by indigenous people. “We need to give visibility and amplify the voices of the indigenous movement as a whole. Against this backdrop of threats, communication plays a key role and we will be joining forces in this encampment,” said Erisvan Guajajara, coordinator of the indigenous communication platform Mídia Índia.

Health precautions

The Struggle for Life Encampment has developed health protocols to reinforce all the existing rules and recommended for combating Covid-19. The encampment’s health staff consists of indigenous health professionals in partnership with the Brazilian Association of Public Health (Abrasco), the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation of Brasília and Rio de Janeiro (Fiocruz DF and RJ), the Indigenous Health Clinic of the University of Brasília (Asi/UNB) and the University of Brasília Hospital (HUB). 

“The health recommendations begin from the moment the delegations mobilize to leave their territories. APIB proposed only inviting people who are already fully vaccinated,” said Dinamam Tuxá, an executive coordinator of APIB.

On the first day of the encampment (Sunday, August 22), the delegations arrived and all the participants were tested for Covid-19 as one of the health protocols for the mobilization.  

On Monday, August 23, the activities are dedicated to political updates with leaders across the country. ‘The five branches’ is the name of the meeting that will be held to analyze the current state of the legislative, executive and judicial branches, as well as the popular and spiritual branches. On the same day, audiovisual exhibitions and rituals are also planned.

The future of indigenous lands 

The main reason for the Struggle for Life mobilization is the judgment in the Supreme Court, which is considered by the indigenous movement to be the most important case of the century dealing with the life of indigenous peoples. The court will analyze a land repossession case filed by the Santa Catarina state government against the Xokleng people regarding the Ibirama-Laklãnõ Indigenous Land, where the Guarani and Kaingang tribes also live. 

Since the case has “general repercussion” status, the ruling will set a precedent for the federal management of land demarcation procedures and for all lawsuits, administrative proceedings and legislative bills.

“Indigenous peoples are facing a very adverse political context under the administration of Bolsonaro, the first president expressly against indigenous peoples. Since taking office, he has signed several acts that conflict with the Constitution and international treaties that protect indigenous communities and their territories. It is important to note that, in this context of the pandemic, it is essential to reflect on the important role that traditional territories play in the balance of humanity. Indigenous lands, in addition to protecting the way of life of indigenous peoples, are a federal public heritage and they ensure climate balance,” said Eloy Terena, the legal coordinator of APIB in an article on the case in the Supreme Court. (access the full article here) 

Accordingly, the program of the Struggle for Life Encampment on August 24 and 25 is dedicated to discussions and demonstrations related to the case, in support of the Supreme Court justices and against the “Time Frame” thesis. 

The days following the ruling will be spent debating issues related to the 2022 elections and the strengthening of networks that support the struggles of indigenous peoples. All the delegations are scheduled to return home on August 28.

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