
Sesc and Conectas notify the projects chosen for the 6th Ideas Fair

This event, to celebrate International Human Rights Day, will take place in December, at the Sesc 24 de Maio.

The list of the projects chosen for the 6th Ideas Fair is now available. The event was created by Conectas and is hosted by Sesc 24 de Maio, to celebrate International Human Rights Day in the month of December. 

Nineteen projects will be exhibited at the Fair. They are focused on promoting and carrying out human rights on different themes, such as migration, women´s rights, fighting labour analogous to slavery, the prison system and combatting racism. The event will take place on 3 and 4 December 2022, from 11am to 6pm on Saturday and from 11am to 5pm on Sunday, at the Sesc 24 de Maio (Rua 24 de maio, 109 –  República), in São Paulo.

The proposals that were selected address different aspects of human rights and reflect the fair´s desire to leverage creative encounters and to form connections in the ongoing work of commitment to life within the scenario of the profound transformations that have taken place in the field of human rights in recent years, marked by the Covid 19 pandemic. 

The projects were selected by the curators who are professionals from Conectas and Sesc. They prioritised projects that demonstrate the greatest potential for getting the public to interact and engage at the event. The curators also considered diversity, in terms of race, gender and sexual orientation in selecting the projects. The curators offer their thanks for all the projects that were submitted and stress the high standards of all the proposals they received.

Category: Exhibition Table

Project name: Além das lentes (Beyond the lens)

Proponent: Ângela Graziela Reck Mutzemberg


Project name: Carrinho Fantástico (Little Fantasy Car)

Proponent: Rivaldo Candido


Project name: Atados e Direitos Humanos (Knots and Human Rights)

Proponent: Karina Mendes


Project name: Tendas da Cidadania: migração, diversidade e cultura de paz (Citizenship Tents: migration, diversity and a culture of peace)

Proponent: Fernanda Paniguel Teixeira 


Project name: Sertãoperifa – Cultura Popular Periférica nas margens (Sertãoperifa – Popular Culture on the fringes)

Proponent: Magno de Oliveira Duarte


Project name: LIBERDADES  – A experiência de abrir e construir caminhos através da arte, cultura e escuta com mulheres sobreviventes do cárcere (FREEDOM – an experiment in opening and building paths through art, culture and listening, with women survivors of the prison system)

Proponent: Iara Caldeira do Amaral


Project name: Emerge Potências da Economia Criativa (Power Emerging from the Creative Economy)

Proponent: Italo de Souza Rufino


Project name: Revista Casa Comum: um projeto de comunicação multiplataforma em defesa dos direitos humanos e socioambientais (Casa Comum Magazine: a multi-platform communications project to defend human and socioenvironmental rights)

Proponent: Talita Guimarães


Project name: Políticas públicas e proteção de direitos humanos: direito de quem para quem? (Public policies and the protection of human rights: whose right and for whom?)

Proponent: Thaynah Gutierrez Gomes


Project name: De Olho na Maré (Maré Watch) 

Proponent: Camila Barros Moraes


Project name: Defendendo a Liberdade de Expressão: Empoderamento Legal para comunicadoras, artistas e jornalistas (Defending Freedom of Expression: Legal Empowerment for communicators, artists and journalists)

Proponent: Jade dos Santos Alves


Project name: Plataforma HUB da Norte (HUB Platform of the North)

Proponent: Osmar Araujo


Category: Audiovisual Exhibition Room

Project name: Mancha de Café (Coffee Stain)

Proponent: Luiz Franco


Project name: Lado a Lado (Side by Side)

Proponent: Gleison Mota dos Santos


Project name: Preta Política (Black Politics)

Proponent: Poka Nascimento


Project name: Mães Livres (Free Mothers)

Proponent: João Paulo Brito


Project name: Jovem Líder do Futuro – Meu Voto Decide (Young Leader of the Future – My Vote is Decisive)

Proponent: Milena Geovana dos Santos Silva 


Category: Totem

Project name: O Dito Popular (The Popular Saying)

Proponent: Rodrigo Batista Ferreira da Silva


Project name: Dança Apocalíptica (Apocalyptic Dance)

Proponent: Zilmarc Gonçalves Paulino de Sousa Filho

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