
Series of events marks 15 years since the May Crimes

Activities organised by the Mothers of May movement and other organisations will continue until the end of the month

Dona Débora, leader of the Mothers of May Movement, in an interview with Conectas
on the Crimes of May. (Photo: João Paulo Brito/Conectas) Dona Débora, leader of the Mothers of May Movement, in an interview with Conectas on the Crimes of May. (Photo: João Paulo Brito/Conectas)

Starting on Wednesday (12), the Mothers of May Movement and other organisations will be holding a series of events to mark 15 years since the Crimes of May which happened in 2006, when more than 500 people were killed by security agents and death squads in a number of neighbourhoods on the periphery of São Paulo.

The schedule includes poetry slams, discussion circles, round tables and actions that will go on until the end of this month. The objective of the events is to strive for justice and to honour the memory of the Crimes of May victims who, 15 years on, have still not had any real response from the institutions. The activities also touch on the wider scenario of the police violence that affects the black community living in the periphery.

See below for the full programme


10am to 11.50am – “Forced disappearances of people: the current situation and defence strategies” Guests: Letícia Marquez de Avelar, Débora Maria da Silva, Francilene Gomes Fernandes, Desirée de Lemos Azevedo and Mariana Borgheresi Duarte. Watch on  YouTube using this link


7pm to 9pm – Debate Panel on the Justice System: “denial of existence fostered by impunity” Guests: Adilson Paes, Dina Alves, Acácio Augusto, Débora Silva and Mediation: Thayna Yaredy. Watch on YouTube or register on this link.


7pm to 9pm – Discussion circle: the pain of loss transforms grief into the fight (Part 1) Débora Silva – Mothers of May Movement – SP. Guests: Márcia Gazza (Mother from the East Zone – SP), Maria do Carmo (Kaká) and Ana Paula (Mothers of Minas Gerais) Rute Fiuza (Mother from Salvador) and Mediating: Lorrane Campos. Watch on YouTube or register on this link.


5pm – 15 years since the May crimes and the fight continues. Action to mark the 15 years since the May Crimes with testimonials by mothers and all the people who have been with the movement during these years. Watch on Facebook.


4pm to 5.30pm – Discussion circle “The pain of loss transforms grief into the fight (Part I)”. Guests: Debora Silva and Maria Sônia Lins (Mothers of May Movement – SP), Zilda Maria (Mother from Osasco – SP), Edna Maria (Mother from Ceará). Mediation: Mônica Cunha (Mother from RJ).  Watch on YouTube  or register on this link.

7pm to 8.30pm – Sarau da Treta presents POETRY SLAM STAND UP MOTHERS IN MAY – 2nd edition. Poesia Marginal: Favela Resiste. Participation: Bete Nagô and Débora Silva – DJ Cuco, Nilson Nogueira, Poet from Maré and João Mendes. Watch on YouTubeFacebook and Instagram.


5pm to 7pm – “Police violence, memory and mobilisation in Brazil”. Organised by Harvard Kennedy School and Mothers of May Movement. Link to register here.


7pm – Poetry Slam by Mothers of May of the North-East. With the participation of Rute Fiuza (Mothers of May of the North-East), Débora Silva (Mothers of May, SP), Edna Carla (Mothers from Curió), Mira Alves (Roofless Movement in Bahia), Rita Ferreira (MSTB and member of the Incomode Collective) and Maria Luiz (Manifesto Musical – Feminist Cabaret). Watch on  YouTube and Facebook.


7pm – Discussion circle at the Campo Limpo Cultural Centre. With the participation of members of Mothers movements. Participation by Débora Silva (Baixada Santista), Rute Fiuza (Salvador), Edna Carla (Ceará) and Márcia Gazza (Zona Leste – SP). Participate on Facebook.


7pm – Rerun of Cordão da Mentira (String of Lies) on this YouTube channel.


4pm Panel – “Abolitionism popular action, building a political project from the ground up” – Anti-incarceration front. Watch the broadcast on YouTube and Facebook


7pm to 8.30pm – “POETRY SLAM STAND UP MOTHERS IN MAY – 3rd Edition. The fight comes from the Uterus – Long Live Mothers of May!” Event Bete Nagô and Débora Silva – Débora Camilo, Nenê Surreal and Luana Hansen. Broadcast on YouTubeFacebook and Instagram.

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