
Security forces repress protests in Colombia

Almost 650 organizations signed a petiton asking to put an end to the intemperate use of force on protesters in the country

Quote on the poster: Quote on the poster: "I am the fist that rises, A voice that can´t be silenced" - Photo: Roberto Parizotti

Protesters in Colombia are the target of repressions with excessive use of force by security forces. The inception of protests was in April, in Colombia, as a result of civil society’s discontent with the political situation in the country, as well as the dissatisfaction from the proposal for tax reform. The demonstrations are being brutally subdued by security agents, by systematically violation of human rights. 

About 650 organizations sent a letter to the IACHR (Inter-American Commission on Human Rights) requesting visits to Colombia and looking for propable ways to investigate the crimes that are happening at these events. 

The document highlighted that the repressions were not criticized in the official government statements, which speaks volume. The Colombian President, Iván Duque, rather, authorized the military to be part of the security on ground for the protests. According to the petition, this sole act brought about “dozens of deaths, in addition to arbitrary arrests, prosecutions, acts of sexual violence, disappearances, hundreds of injured people amidst countless reports of police violence.” 

It is noteworthy that the right to protest is fundamental to the defense of democratic processes and human rights. The letter from the organizations requests that Colombia stop the use of weapons by the security forces during protests and instead converse with protesters.

“We hereby call on all actors and society in general to defend the right to protest, to strongly condemn the disproportionate violence by the security forces during the protests and demand all the necessary reforms, so that the current repression does not repeat itself”, the document concludes.

Read the full document here (In English).

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