
Round of debates on different forms of religious racism in Brazil and Latin America

Criola, Conectas and Portal Catarinas are holding the third round of debates on religious racism

Criola, Conectas and Portal Catarinas, with the support of Synergia – Human Rights Initiative, are hosting the third online round of debates on religious racism on Friday (29). During the political campaigns this matter once again proved to be an urgent one with attacks and the spreading of fake news against African-derived religions. The event will be broadcast live, from 6pm to 8pm, on the Portal Catarinas and Criola YouTube channels. 

In joining forces with Afro-Amerindian leaders and organizations the event will open up the conversation on religious racism and will include participants from other countries to deepen debate surrounding this theme in the context of Latin America, touching on issues such as what Brazil has to share with Latin American countries and what knowledge we can exchange to ensure the free expression of worship and of faith.

Those participating in the event include: Edina Shananewa, executive coordinator of the União das Mulheres Indígenas da Amazônia Brasileira (UMIAB) and chieftain of the Shane Tatxa village, in the northern state of Acre; Roseli Finscue Chavaco, an indigenous woman of the Nasa and Misak peoples, in Colombia,  co-founder of the National Network of Women Defenders of Human Rights and Sergio Albino, Babaloriya of the Ile de Bara Lode – Kimbanda Zumbi, in Montevideo, Uruguay. 

The aim of the event is to debate the impact of religious racism with the black community, people from African-derived religions, indigenous peoples and other social groups affected by this type of discrimination. In addition, it will seek to comprehend the gaps that exist in the political debate and in human rights concerning religious freedom and religious racism, taking into account the intersection of gender, gender identity, territoriality and other areas of oppression. 

Previous events

In the first event, held on 5 May, participants said that the expression religious intolerance does not always do justice to the violence suffered by African-derived religions. It is important to indicate the racism that exists in this behaviour. 

In the second one, held on 14 July, guests shared strategies to contain the violence that occurs because of religious fundamentalism and the discourse of hate that is growing in Brazil, indicating the need for profound changes in arenas such as the judiciary and guardianship councils. 

In this third phase, the objective is for participants to share their experiences regarding their understanding of religious racism and with the approach of discussing specific activities, taking into account the particular legislation of each country, in order to contribute to a dialogue on possible articulation in the region. 

Both the previous live broadcasts are available on the Portal Catarinas and the ONG Criola Youtube channels.


Religious freedom and religious racism in Brazil and Latin America

Date:  29 September

Broadcast: www.youtube.com/c/PortalCatarinas

Time: 6pm to 8pm


Edina shanenawa: Sou Pekashaya conhecida como Edina Shanenawa, coordenadora executiva da União das Mulheres Indígenas da Amazônia Brasileira (UMIAB), cacique da aldeia Shane Tatxa kaya e ativista no direito indígenas principalmente no direito de mulheres. 

Sergio Albino: Soy natural de Uruguay. Babaloriya del Ile de Bara Lode -Kimbanda Zumbi- en Montevideo. Actualmente estoy abocado al desarrollo de dos propuestas educativas e investigación, en la “Casa de la cultura Afro-uruguaya” de Montevideo. Ellas son: Encuentro de crianzas; Ludoteca ludo-creativa permanente. Ambas propuestas tienen como finalidad promover procesos de educación significativos, centrados en el sujeto desde su singularidad; en la equidad social e intergeneracionalidad y centrados en la población afro y su contexto social.

Roseli Finscue Chavaco: Mujer Indígena de los pueblos Nasa y Misak. Defensora de Derechos humanos, la vida y el territorio. He ejercido como autoridad indígena en mi resguardo Indígena La Gaitana. Trabajo en la defensa de los derechos humanos d elas mujeres y los pueblos indígenas. He participado en el proceso del movimiento indígena a nivel regional, Nacional e internacional. Confundadora de la Red Nacional de Mujeres Defensoras de Derechos Humanos y he coordinado el Programa Mujeres del CRIC.

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