
Report assesses how Brazil is implementing UN recommendations

Launch event on Tuesday (22) in São Paulo to bring together NGOs, authorities and business people

On Tuesday (22), civil society organisations, public authorities, business people and academics are meeting at the Casa do Saber in São Paulo, to discuss how the Government and the private sector are acting to implement the recommendations of the UN Working Group on businesses and human rights.

A group of UN specialists were in Brazil in December 2015, at the invitation of the Federal Government, to visit places where significant violations by businesses have occurred, such as Mariana (MG), Altamira (PA) and Belém (PA) and other cities where they met with local authorities such as São Paulo (SP), Rio de Janeiro (RJ) and Belo Horizonte (MG).

Following the mission these experts put together a report with twenty-eight recommendations aimed at the Brazilian Government, businesses and civil society. A list of all the suggestions made by the UN can be found in this publication, made available in Portuguese by Conectas in January this year.

In the new study, “Recommendations by the UN Working Group on Businesses and Human Rights to Brazil: status of implementation by the Government and businesses”, carried out by Conectas and to be officially released this Tuesday, the organisation presents a real panorama of how these recommendations are actually being monitored and met by the Brazilian Government and businesses in the country.

Among those attending the event are representative from Instituto Ethos, Greenpeace, WWF, ISA (Socio-environmental Institute), Justiça Global, InPacto, The Ministry for Human Rights’ National Secretary for Citizenship, BNDES (National Development Bank), CNDH (National Council for Human Rights), DPU (Public Defence), Public Prosecution of Pará and the University of Minas Gerais think tank.

This event is open to the public and is free of charge, however seats are limited.

>>> Read the full report here.


Launch of the report on Monitoring of UN Working Group Recommendations for Businesses and Human Rights

22 May 2018

Time: 8.30 to 13.30

Location: Casa do Saber (R. Dr. Mario Ferraz, 414, São Paulo – SP)

8.30 – 8.45: Coffee and welcome

8.45 – 9.00: Initial Considerations

Marcos Fuchs, Director at Conectas Direitos Humanos

Caio Magri, Managing Director at Instituto Ethos

9.00 – 9.15: Presentation of the Report on Monitoring of Working Group Recommendations for Businesses and Human Rights following visit to Brazil

Caio Borges, Coordinator of Development and Socio-environmental Rights at Conectas
Jefferson Nascimento, Development and Socio-environmental Rights Lawyer at Conectas

9.15 – 10.15: Debate : Normative Frameworks
Moderator: Julia Cortez, Conectas Direitos Humanos

Participants in the Debate:
Márcio Astrini, Greenpeace
Rafael Giovanelli, WWF
Mércia Silva, InPACTO

10.15 – 11.15: 2nd Debate: Public Policy on Businesses and Human Rights
Moderator: Caio Borges, Conectas Direitos Humanos

Participants in the Debate:
Herbert Barros, National Secretary of Citizenship – MDH
Paula Barreto, Socio-environmental Department at the BNDES
Fabiana Severo, National Human Rights Council – CNDH

11.15-11.30 – Coffee break

11.30 – 12.30: 3rd Debate: Business Policies and Practices
Moderator: Jefferson Nascimento, Conectas Direitos Humanos

Participants in the Debate:
Glaucia Terreo, da GRI (Global Reporting Initiative)
Sheila de Carvalho, Instituto Ethos

12.30 – 13.30: 4th Debate: Real Cases
Moderator: Joana Nabuco, Conectas Direitos Humanos

Participants in the Debate:
Letícia Aleixo, Human Rights Think Tank at the Federal University of Minas Gerais
Eliane Moreira, Public Prosecution of the state of Pará
Raphaela Lopes, Justiça Global

13.30 – 13.35: End of the event.

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