
Regiment reformation project led by, Arthur Lira, silences both the opposition and minority parties in the House

Over 160 organizations signed a manifest against PRC 35/2021 law, that is undergoing reformation in the emergency regime.

Photo: Pablo Valadares / Chamber of Deputies Photo: Pablo Valadares / Chamber of Deputies

A bill that proposes change in the RICD (Internal Regulation of Parliament) is going to be  voted into law this week, in an urgent regime. The PRC (Draft House Resolution) 35/2021 can institutionalize the silencing of parliamentarians, minority and opposition parties.

More than 160 organizations have signed a manifesto, to oppose the PRC. The document emphasizes the need for the project to go through the CCJ (Commission for Constitution, Justice and Citizenship) and the Special Commission or Board of Directors, which is conflicting with the emergency regime. 

With the purported objective of speeding up debates in the plenary, the Project enervates the plurality of the debate within the National Congress and undermines the space of dissenting voices during the legislative rite, thereby weakening the democratic bases. 

In the manifesto, the organizations also shows their concerns on the approval of the PRC and point out the changes that the project will bring, stating: “The PRC that goes to vote this week ends up weakening the legislative process since it allows, among others, the introduction of mechanisms that restrict party speaking time and bench guidance, the possibility of presenting highlights in plenary, and limit the possibility of bench guidance from parties that have not met the requirements of the barrier clause. If approved, this measure will represent a real attempt to put a gag in the space of participation and speaking  of the opposition and minority parties, and a subversion of the democratic logic of the functioning of the National Congress. ” 

“If approved, this measure will serve as a fruitful attempt to put a gag in the space of participation and speak of the opposition and minority parties, and a subversion of the democratic logic of the functioning of the National Congress”, stated the document.

Read the full text of the manifesto here. 

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