
Reference to AI-5 Dictatorial Decree represents immoral attack on Democracy

Conectas condemns the comments made by the Economy Minister, Paulo Guedes, and demands a decisive response from democratic institutions

The Economy Minister, Paulo Guedes, said that nobody should be surprised “if
someone called for a new AI-5” (Photo: Valter Campanato/Agência Brasil) The Economy Minister, Paulo Guedes, said that nobody should be surprised “if someone called for a new AI-5” (Photo: Valter Campanato/Agência Brasil)

The mention by Minister Paulo Guedes of a possible AI-5 (Institutional Act No. 5) in
response to any protests in Brazil represents an intolerable threat to democracy and
an incentive for institutional breakdown that is incompatible with a representative of
the Federal Executive.

The comments were made during a press conference in Washington, United States,
after the minister was asked about the social unrest occurring in Latin American
countries such as Chile, Bolivia and Colombia. “Don’t be surprised, then, if someone
calls for an AI-5,” said the minister in response.

AI-5 was decreed in 1968 and institutionalized repression, censorship and the
persecution of political opponents during the military dictatorship. The measure
permitted the closure of the National Congress and State Legislatures and established
a policy of exceptions that resulted in arbitrary detention, torture and summary
executions committed by the State.

Equally troubling is the minister’s comments, in the same interview, of President Jair
Bolsonaro’s intention to use the Armed Forces against people in street
demonstrations, an attitude that is totally incompatible with the Constitution. In
practice, the minister is describing intentions to institute censorship, curtailment of
the right to protest and persecutions.

This episode cannot be put down to just another case irresponsible rhetoric by a senior
member of the government. Instead, it should send a red alert to all the democratic
institutions and sectors of civil society that are fighting to guarantee the expansion of
social participation.

Conectas condemns any discourse on democratic breakdown, as well as any
aspirations to repress and curtail freedoms guaranteed by the Constitution. We
demand a firm action from democratic institutions and a clear defense of the
commitments that the members of the federal government assume, upon taking
office, to uphold the Constitution and democratic values.

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