
Reconquering the spaces

Guidelines to denounce abuses in protests

XV Coloquio DH. Conectas. Lançamento de Diretriszes para observação de manifestações e protestos sociais. XV Coloquio DH. Conectas. Lançamento de Diretriszes para observação de manifestações e protestos sociais.

by Pâmela Ellen*

Police brutality and excessive force in demonstrations, denying freedom to express oneself, and importance of the human rights observer monitoring violations in protests were the topics discussed at the launch of the “Guidelines for the Observation of Manifestations and Social Protests”, this Thursday, October 5, in São Paulo.

The document is a guiding principle for observers that enables them to monitor compliance as per international standards, and collect information and report on violations of rights. The booklet was prepared by the Regional Office for South America ACNUDH (United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights), in partnership with National Human Rights Institutions and Public Defenders.

During the event, Marlon Weichert of the Federal Public Prosecutor’s Office (PFDC) said: “This publication arrived at an opportune time, as we observe deterioration in the quality of free participation in peaceful demonstrations and gatherings.” a view conveyed by Fabiana Gadelha, member of the National Human Rights Council (CNDH), who voiced concerns for dismantling of public policies and setbacks, and how the demonstrations are a response to these circumstances.

Besides, Henrique Apolinário, an adviser to the Conectas Institutional Violence programme, reiterated, “more number of new technologies and legal practices are being used to curtail the rights of manifestation” he said.

In the same vein, Camila Marques, from Article 19, spoke about the significance of communicators, as observers, who have the responsibilities of “giving visibility to what is happening, bringing transparency to the agenda, and telling society what occurs on the streets.” She commented that these communicators contribute in denouncing the violations perpetrated by law enforcement agency.

To circumvent repression of the State and reconquer the democratic space of demonstration, as a proposal, the panelists pointed out the needs for partnerships  between  institutions and alternative media and other establishments to have a broad and deep dialogue with society as ways to ensure protection of rights. “If we do not articulate, we will have many difficulties,” Weichert summed up.

*Pâmela Ellen is a volunteer journalists from the coverage group of the 15th International Human Rights Colloquium. English translation by Partha Sarker, a refugee from Bangladesh.

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