
Rationale of pharmaceutical industry fosters inequality in access to medication

NGOs present criticisms and recommendations to ensure more democratic access to medication in developing countries.

In a document sent to the IACHR (Interamerican Commission on Human Rights), civil society organisations note that health and access to medication are linked to violations caused by companies. The organisations observe that business activities in the pharmaceutical industry are linked to the rationale of promoting health and medication for existing illnesses, instead of preventing the causes linked to the onset of diseases.

According to the text, the lack of research and development in medical technology, difficulties in gaining access to medication in developing countries, the high price of sophisticated medicines and restricted access to generic medication cause millions of deaths each year around the world.

The document sent by the organisations recommends changes that could resolve the current problems of inequality in gaining access to medication. Among the recommendations is transparency in the pharmaceutical industry regarding production costs and economic return, accountability and redressing the effects of the exorbitant price of medication.

>>>Read the full document, (in Spanish).

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