
“Race and Human Rights” is the theme of the latest editionof the Sur Journal

The free online publication has a mini-doc, works from the exhibition “Afro-Atlantic Histories” and articles by some of the principal activists in the fight against racism in Brazil and around the world.

For the first time in its 14 years, the Sur Journal, a bi-annual international publication on human rights edited by Conectas, is publishing an edition on the theme of racism, bringing together some of the principal voices on the anti-racism cause, from Brazil and around the world.

Under the title “Race and Human Rights: Moving Structures”, Sur 28 has 17 articles, written by 23 authors from six countries, among them the UN Special Rapporteur writing about contemporary forms of racism, E. Tendayi Achiume and the researchers Juliana Borges, Thula Pires and Nathália Oliveira.

Sueli Carneiro is the guest editor on this edition. She is the founder and current Director of Geledés – Black Woman Institute and advisor to Conectas. Sueli is one of the principal activists for black feminism in the country.

“Sur is perhaps the most important human rights journal in the world. It is encouraging, at this time, that this edition is committed to contributing substantially to the theme of racism and human rights in Brazil, including content from academia, philanthropy and activism and offering a wide-ranging panorama of the seriousness and gravity of the issue of race in Brazil and around the world.” Sueli explained.

A highlight of this edition is the mini documentary “Luto para nós é verbo”, produced by the filmmaker Natasha Néri, author of the award-winning “Auto de Resistência”. The film shows accounts of the mothers and families of young victims of police violence, among them Bruna Silva, mother of Marcos Vinícius, a 14 year old boy killed during a police operation in the Maré favela complex, in Rio de Janeiro, in June 2018.

As well as the video, the journal has a selection of 18 works from the exhibition “Afro-Atlantic Histories”. The curators were Hélio Menezes and Lilia Schwarcz and it was considered to be the world’s best exhibition in 2018 by The New York Times newspaper. The exhibition, that was open until last October, in São Paulo, brought together a selection of 450 works by 214 artists from the 16th to the 21st century and was held jointly by MASP (São Paulo Museum of Art) and the Tomie Ohtake Institute.

“To do justice to the complexity and urgency of today’s fight against racism, this edition of Sur aims to serve as a space for voices pursuing ways to reposition race at the centre of the human rights agenda.” The words of the Executive Editors of the journal, Thiago Amparo and Maryuri Grisales.

For the first time the journal offered three writing fellowships to authors, with a view to encouraging and supporting activists and researchers in writing about their experiences and/or research in racism and human rights in Brazil. Each person who received a fellowship was given a grant for three months, equivalent to that of a post-graduate in Brazil, from October to December 2018. They also received mentoring while producing their texts.

About Sur

Sur – International Human Rights Journal, published by Conectas aims to influence the global agenda of human rights, producing, promoting and publishing innovative research and ideas, principally from the Global South, on the practice of human rights.

The publication is produced in Portuguese, English and Spanish, with free online access to a public of over 20,000 people, in over 100 countries. A hard copy is also distributed to some of the main libraries, universities, international organisations and cultural centres around the world.

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