
Public statement of condemnation

Disrespectful remarks by interim foreign minister about the Inter-American Commission

The Brazilian Human Rights and Foreign Policy Committee considers it alarming that José Serra, the interim Foreign Minister of Brazil, should make disrespectful comments about the IACHR (Inter-American Commission on Human Rights of the Organization of American States), according to information reported by the press The Brazilian Human Rights and Foreign Policy Committee considers it alarming that José Serra, the interim Foreign Minister of Brazil, should make disrespectful comments about the IACHR (Inter-American Commission on Human Rights of the Organization of American States), according to information reported by the press

The Brazilian Human Rights and Foreign Policy Committee considers it alarming that José Serra, the interim Foreign Minister of Brazil, should make disrespectful comments about the IACHR (Inter-American Commission on Human Rights of the Organization of American States), according to information reported by the press[1].

Together with the Inter-American Court, the IACHR makes up the Inter-American Human Rights System – the primary international organization for the protection of rights and freedoms in our region.

The offensive remarks show a disregard for the principles traditionally adopted by Brazilian foreign policy, such as multilateralism and an appreciation of international law, and they could be considered contempt for the Inter-American Human Rights System and its long track record of contribution to the promotion of human rights in Brazil and across the American continent.

This is not the first time, unfortunately, that Brazil has treated the IACHR with disrespect. It is worth recalling that, in 2011, the Brazilian government harshly attacked the Commission after it issued a precautionary measure against the construction of the Belo Monte hydropower plant, helping unleash a dangerous reform process that could have resulted in the loss of the organization’s autonomy and independence.

The Brazilian Human Rights and Foreign Policy Committee urges the Foreign Ministry not to delay in retracting the disrespectful comments made by the interim foreign minister about the IACHR.

  • Click here to see the original document. 


[1] Valor Econômico: http://www.valor.com.br/politica/4682577/serra-diz-que-oea-enviou-documento-besta-questionando-impeachment

Estadão: http://politica.estadao.com.br/noticias/geral,documento-da-oea-sobre-impeachment-e-besta-diz-serra,10000071416

Folha de São Paulo: http://www1.folha.uol.com.br/poder/2016/08/1805909-para-serra-manifestacao-da-oea-sobre-impeachment-e-besta-e-malfeita.shtml

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