
Public statement: in defense of the democratic rule of law

Conectas Human Rights expresses its concern over the worsening political instability in Brazil

Conectas Human Rights expresses its concern over the worsening political instability in Brazil Conectas Human Rights expresses its concern over the worsening political instability in Brazil

Conectas Human Rights expresses its concern over the worsening political instability in Brazil, particularly after the speaker of the Lower House of Congress, Eduardo Cunha, accepted the opposition’s impeachment request against President Dilma Rousseff, and the impact of this on Brazilian democratic institutions.

The organization believes that impeachment is a process that requires careful consideration on account of the seriousness of its nature. The commencement of proceedings to remove the head of state should not be taken lightly, given the risks of opening a dangerous precedent against Brazil’s still young democracy. Conectas hopes that the Supreme Court will fulfill its role as guardian of the Constitution, guaranteeing the legality of the process and preserving democratic institutions and guarantees.

Finally, Conectas remains firm in its defense of human rights and the promotion of the democratic rule of law in Brazil and the world. We continue to fight for respect for democracy, democratic institutions and constitutional legality.

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