With subjects involving women’s reproductive rights, police brutality, racism, among other relevant topics for human rights and contemporary times, the works of 23 finalists running for the 46th edition of the Vladimir Herzog Journalistic Award for Amnesty and Human Rights were analyzed and voted on. The works were inscribed within the following categories: Arts, Photography, Text, Video, Audio, Multimedia, and Narrative Non-fiction. The choice of winners took place last Thursday (10). To watch the entire public session, click on this link.
Cau Gomez | A Tarde
Paulo Pinto | Agência Brasil
Tailane Muniz, Branca Vianna, Paula Scarpin, Flora Thomson-Deveaux, Guilherme Alpendre, Marcela Casaca, Juliana Jaeger, Vitor Hugo Brandalise, Évelin Argenta, Bia Guimarães, Sarah Azoubel, Bárbara Rubira, Natália Silva, Julia Matos, Luiza Silvestrini, Bia Ribeiro, Gilberto Porcidonio, Mateus Coutinho, Pipoca Sound | Rádio Novelo
Bram Ebus, Alex Rufino, Andrés Cardona, Jaap van ‘t Kruis, Barbara Fraser, Juan Torres, Betariz Jucá, Jeanneth Valdivieso, Laura Kurtzberg, Luiz Fernando Toledo, Mathias Felipe, Diane Sampaio, Emily Costa, Ivan Brehaut, Pamela Huerta, Sam Cowie, Leandro Barbosa, Silvana Vincenti, Tatiana Escárraga | InfoAmazonia
Marcelo Canellas | Revista Piauí
Ana Passos, Gabriel Penchel, Adaroan Barros, Caio Araujo, Carlos Junior, Alex Sakata, Caroline Ramos | TV Brasil/EBC
Luiza Villaméa | Companhia das Letras
In addition to the winners in each category, this year the organizers who were part of the jury decided to include an honorable mention for each category. These are:
The award ceremony will be held on October 29, Tuesday, at 08:00 p.m. at Tucarena, in São Paulo, The traditional Chat Space with the Winners and the coordinator of Programa Tim Lopes, Angelina Nunes, will take place before the ceremony, from 02:00 p.m. to 05:00 p.m.
The Vladimir Herzog Journalistic Award is promoted and organized by a committee made up of the following institutions: Associação Brasileira de Imprensa (ABI); Associação Brasileira de Jornalismo Investigativo (ABRAJI); Artigo 19; Comissão Justiça e Paz da Arquidiocese de São Paulo; Conectas Direitos Humanos; Escola de Comunicações e Artes da Universidade de São Paulo (ECA/USP); Federação Nacional dos Jornalistas (FENAJ); Geledés; Conselho Federal da Ordem dos Advogados do Brasil (OAB Nacional); Instituto Vladimir Herzog, Instituto Socioambiental (ISA); Ordem dos Advogados do Brasil – Secção São Paulo; Ouvidoria da Polícia do Estado de São Paulo; Coletivo Periferia em Movimento; Sindicato dos Jornalistas Profissionais no Estado de São Paulo; Sociedade Brasileira dos Estudos Interdisciplinares da Comunicação (Intercom), União Brasileira de Escritores (UBE) and Família Herzog. An arc of alliances made up of Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo (PUCSP), Teatro da PUC, TV PUC, Pryzant Design, CDI and OBORÉ are the partners that made this 46th edition happen.