
Participation in the Legislative

Public hearing in the Lower House discusses greater public participation in the Legislative

Brazilian organizations will participate at 5:30 pm today in a public hearing in the Lower House of Congress to discuss the duty of the National Congress to increase public participation in the legislative process. Brazilian organizations will participate at 5:30 pm today in a public hearing in the Lower House of Congress to discuss the duty of the National Congress to increase public participation in the legislative process.

Brazilian organizations will participate at 5:30 pm today in a public hearing in the Lower House of Congress to discuss the duty of the National Congress to increase public participation in the legislative process.

Besides debating the principles of transparency in the public administration, 48 organizations, among them Conectas, will submit a letter to the presidency of the house with proposals for institutional innovation to improve the instruments for monitoring the activities of the Lower House by civil society.

Among the recommendations are the creation of a mechanism for organizations to officially contribute to legislative bills pending in the house and the creation of a search tool to identify new bills on specific topics.

“There can be no full democracy without an end to the opaqueness of state institutions, disclosure of information and processes, accountability and the progressive inclusion of civil society in decision-making processes.

  • Click here to read the letter in full.

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