
Organizations praise IACHR recommendations for States against militarization of borders

More than 40 organizations sign a letter in support of the IACHR and in defense of migrants and refugees on the borders

Foto: Alexandre Noronha/Amazônia Real
Foto: Alexandre Noronha/Amazônia Real

Civil society organizations have signed a letter praising the recommendations made by the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) to Latin America States on the militarization of borders. 

The recommendations came after nearly 25 organizations from 8 South American countries, among them Conectas, exposed the alarming situation with regard to migration and the global health crisis at a public hearing staged at the IACHR’s 179th period of sessions.

The IACHR recommended measures to be applied by States with a view to “respecting and guaranteeing the human rights of migrants, refugees and other individuals who may require protection”.

The recommendations of the IACHR aim to put a stop to the threats to migrants and refugees, such as the outsourcing of migration control and the militarization of migration management on the border. 

“We consider it necessary to demand from States effective responses with a focus on guaranteeing the rights of migrants, refugees and asylum seekers in order to address the phenomenon of increased inflows across dangerous routes in the context of the pandemic,” concludes the letter signed by the organizations.

Read the document in full here.

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