
Organizations condemn arbitrary detention and escalation of violence against demonstrators in São Paulo

After a series of crackdowns of protests in the capital, civil society is calling for the urgent repeal of the decree that legitimizes violations

(Photo: Bianca Moreira / Conectas)
(Photo: Bianca Moreira / Conectas)

In a joint statement published on Friday, January 17, civil society organizations vehemently condemn the police violence employed against demonstrators and communicators covering the latest protests organized by the MPL (Free Fare Movement) against the increase in public transportation fares in São Paulo. 

Signed by the organizations ARTICLE 19, Conectas Human Rights, CONDEPE (State Council for the Defense of the Rights of the Human Person of the State of São Paulo) and IBCCRIM (Brazilian Criminal Sciences Institute), the statement highlights the arbitrary detention of 44 people in the latest demonstrations and affirms that this practice is forbidden by both Brazilian and international law.

The document also requests the urgent repeal of Decree 64,074/2019 that criminalizes the use of masks at demonstrations and the possession of legitimate objects, such as flags. The requests had already been made to the special rapporteurs of the United Nations (UN) and the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) in January 2019, when the international bodies were asked for assistance questioning the Brazilian public authorities and requesting the adoption of urgent measures to remedy the situation.


>>> Read the statement in full here

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