
Organizations call for investigation into attacks on Repórter Brasil

In addition to an attempted break-in at its offices, the organization’s website was attacked by hackers

The NGO Repórter Brasil, a journalistic and human rights organization that is a reference for its work in the environmental and social field and in combating slave labor, has come under attack from hacker groups that are demanding the removal of reports published between 2003 and 2005. On January 6 and 11, the organization’s website was taken down for a few hours. Its offices also suffered an attempted break-in on January 7.

In solidarity, several civil society organizations published a manifesto in which they condemn attempts to intimidate Repórter Brasil and they call on the authorities to conduct an investigation and bring those responsible to justice.

“This is a regrettable threat to the right to information by targeting free and plural outlets, such as Repórter Brasil, an investigative journalism organization that works on combating socio-environmental and human rights violations,” said the organizations in the statement. “Freedom of expression and freedom of the press are fundamental rights for democracy and the plural debate of ideas, and they must be strictly preserved,” they concluded.

The statement was signed by ADERE-MG (Rural Workers Alliance of Southern Minas Gerais), the Information Center on Business and Human Rights, Contar (National Confederation of Salaried Rural Workers), Contag (National Confederation of Agricultural Workers), Conectas, InPACTO, the Ethos Institute and Oxfam Brasil.

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