
Organisers of the Vladimir Herzog Journalism Award for Amnesty and Human Rights announce the 2022 finalists

The winners will be selected by the Organising Committee on 13 October, between 2pm and 5pm, in an in-person public session at the Espaço Vladimir Herzog at the São Paulo Union of Journalists

Troféu símbolo do Prêmio – a meia lua recortada com a silhueta de Vlado, uma criação do artista plástico Elifas Andreato. Foto:  Alice Vergueiro/Acervo PVH. Troféu símbolo do Prêmio – a meia lua recortada com a silhueta de Vlado, uma criação do artista plástico Elifas Andreato. Foto: Alice Vergueiro/Acervo PVH.

This year, there were 528 pieces of work which were assessed under the seven categories: Art, Photography, Text, Video, Audio, Multi-media and Book Reporting.

The Finalists:


“ Três mulheres da Craco” (Three women from Craco)

  • Creation: Carol Ito
  • Media outlet: Piauí Magazine

“ A sombra da maldade” (The shadow of evil)

  • Creation: Nando Motta
  • Media outlet: Brasil 247

“Pós-Estupro” (After Rape)

  • Creation: Brum
  • Media outlet: Tribuna do Norte newspaper


“A dor da fome” (The pain of hunger)

  • Creation: Domingos Peixoto
  • Media outlet: Extra

“A narrativa desumanizante em torno dos assassinatos policiais no Rio de Janeiro” (The dehumanising narrative surrounding police killings in Rio de Janeiro)

  • Creation: Fabio Teixeira
  • Media outlet: plataforma9p9

“Execução no fórum de justiça” (Execution at the Court)

  • Creation: Ricardo Oliveira
  • Media outlet: Cenarium magazine


“O que os olhos não veem” (What the eye doesn´t see)

  • Creation: Ciro Barros – Reporting, Interviews and Voice-Over, Ricardo Terto – Production, Script and Sound Editing, José Cícero da Silva – Reporting, Interviews and Voice-Over,   Alexandre de Maio – Ilustrations, Natalia Viana – Supervision and Journalism Coordination
  • Media outlet: Agência Pública

“Tempo Quente” (Hot Weather)

  • Creation: Giovana Girardi –  Presenting and Reporting, Paula Scarpin – Script, Arnaldo Branco – Script, Barbara Rubira – Production, Ana Magalhães – Coordination, Flora Thomson-DeVeaux – Script, Cristina Amorim – Consultant, Claudio Angelo – Consultant, Branca Vianna – Creative Direction, Guilherme Alpendre – Executive Direction, Juliana Jaeger – Publicity and Distribution Strategy, FêCris Vasconcellos – Publicity and Distribution Strategy, Lucca Mendez – Editing, Júlia Matos – Sound, Mika Lins – Voice-Over Direction, Emerson Kimura – Checks, Clara Rellstab – Production Support, Arthur Kunz – Original Music
  • Media outlet: Rádio Novelo

“Não sou mais o Pedro” (I´m not Pedro anymore)

  • Creation: Tomás Chiaverini
  • Media outlet: Rádio Escafandro


“Mortes invisíveis” (Invisible deaths)

  • Creation: Amanda Rossi, Saulo Pereira Guimarães – Reporter, José Dacau – Reporter, Flávio VM Costa – Editor and Coordinator of the investigation centre, Lúcia Valentim Rodrigues – Editor, Yasmin Ayumi – Art, Gisele Pungan – Art Editor, René Cardillo – Art Editor, Douglas Lambert – Footage, Olívia Fraga – Editing
  • Media outlet: UOL

“Rondônia devastada” (Rondônia destroyed)

  • Creation: Elaíze Farias, Fábio Pontes – Reporter, Karla do Val – Reporter, Alexandre Cruz Noronha – Photographer and Camera Operator, Eduardo Nunomura – Special Effects Editor, Alberto César Araújo – Editor of Photography, Kátia Brasil – Executive Editor, Giovanny Vera – Maps and Infographics, Lívia Lemos – Social Media, César Nogueira – Video Montage and Translation, Nelson Mota – Developer, Maria Cecília Costa – Administrative Assistant
  • Media outlet: Amazônia Real

“A rota do tráfico humano na fronteira da Amazônia” (Human trafficking route on the Amazon border)

  • Creation: Mirelle Pinheiro
  • Media outlet: Metrópoles


“Cercados e vigiados – PF legaliza seguranças que aterrorizam moradores de antiga usina de açúcar em Pernambuco” (Surrounded and Monitored – PF legalises security to terrorize people living in former sugarcane mill in Pernambuco)

  • Creation: Alice de Souza
  • Media outlet: The Intercept Brasil

“Educação árida: mudanças climáticas dificultam acesso à escola” (Arid education: climate change hinders access to schooling)

  • Creation: Anelize Moreira, Camila Salmazio – Reporter, Daniel Lamir – Producer and Photographer, Lais Barros – Editor
  • Media outlet: Portal Lunetas

“Mineração arada: quilombolas barram avanço de empresa inglesa na Chapada Diamantina” (Mining: quilombolas stop the advance of a British corporation in the Chapada Diamantina)

  • Creation: Daniel Camargos, Fernando Martinho – Photographic Reporter
  • Media outlet: Repórter Brasil


“Crianças yanomami sofrem com desnutrição e falta de atendimento médico” (Yanomami children suffering from malnutrition and lack of medical care)

  • Creation: Alexandre Hisayasu, Valéria Oliveira dos Santos – Production and Reporting, Henrique Souza Filho – Technician, Alexandro de Oliveira Pereira – Camera Operator, Luciane Marques de Oliveira – Production, Wagner Luis Suzuki – Editor, Gustavo Pereira Pacheco – Picture Editor, Everton Altafim – Picture Editor, Anderson da Silva – Art Editor, Luciano Abreu – Production
  • Media outlet: Rede Globo

“Não merecia ser humilhado”; PM arrasta suspeito em moto e recria cena da Escravidão em São Paulo” (“I did not deserve to be humiliated”; Military Police officer drags suspect on a motorbike and recreates scene of slavery in São Paulo)

  • Creation: Guilherme Belarmino – Reporter, Marconi Matos – Film Reporter, Eduardo de Paula – Film Reporter, Marcos Barcarollo – Sound Technician, Raphael Moura – Sound Technician, Marco Aurélio Silva – Designer, Aline Lima – Designer, Esther Radaelli – Producer, Renato Nogueira Neto – Editor, André Alaniz – Picture Editor, Flávio Lordello – Picture Editor
  • Media outlet: Rede Globo / Fantástico 

“Identidade, o direito à vida transvesti” (Identity, the right to a transvestite life)

  • Creation: Silvia Bessa – Direction, Script and Executive Coordination, Luiz Henrique Carneiro Siqueira – Co-Direction, Photographic Direction, Videomaker and Editor, Marcionila Teixeira de Siqueira – Interviews, Interview Production and Research, Diego Vieira Nigro de Almeida – Videomaker for Aerial Images
  • Media outlet: TV ESA PE  and TV Universitária PE


“Banzeiro òkòtó: Uma viagem à Amazônia Centro do Mundo” (Banzeiro òkòtó: A journey to the Amazon, the centre of the world)

  • Author: Eliane Brum
  • Publisher: Companhia das Letras

“Dano colateral: A intervenção dos militares na segurança pública” (Colateral damage: military intervention in public security)

  • Author: Natalia Viana
  • Publisher: Objetiva

Meninos malabares: retratos do trabalho infantil no Brasil” (Child jugglers: portrayals of child labour in Brazil)

  • Authors: Bruna Ribeiro and Tiago Queiroz Luciano
  • Publisher: Panda Books

The Award Ceremony

The award ceremony for the 44th Vladimir Herzog Journalism Award for Amnesty and Human Rights will take place on Tuesday 25 October, from 8pm to 9.30pm, in Tucarena, in São Paulo. The now customary Discussion Circle with the winners will be before the ceremony and will be broadcast live by TV PUC and CanaI Universitário of São Paulo.

The Vladimir Herzog Award is held and organised by a committee composed of the following organisations: The Brazilian Press Association (ABI); The National Federation of Journalists (FENAJ); São Paulo State Union of Professional Journalists (SJSP); Brazilian Association of Investigative Journalism (ABRAJI); Brazilian Society of Inter-Disciplinary Studies on Communications (Intercom); The University of São Paulo School of Communications and Arts (ECA/USP); Police Ombudsman of the State of São Paulo; Justice and Peace Commission of the Archdiocese of São Paulo; Conectas Human Rights; Federal Board of the Brazilian Bar Association (National OAB); Brazilian Bar Association  –São Paulo (OAB-SP), Periferia em Movimento (Periphery in Movement) and The Vladimir Herzog Institute (IVH).

An alliance formed by the São Paulo Municipal Chamber (CMSP), Pontifícia Universidade Católica of São Paulo (PUCSP), TV PUC , Canal Universitário of São Paulo (CNU), The Brazilian Writers Union (UBE) and OBORÉ worked together to put on the 44th Award. 


44th Vladimir Herzog Journalism Award for Amnesty and Human Rights | 2022

  • Public judging session and announcement of the winners: 13 October, from 2pm to 5pm, in the Espaço Vladimir Herzog at the São Paulo Union of Journalists. Rua Rego Freitas, 530 – mezzanine – Vila Buarque, SP. Live broadcast on the YouTube channel of the Award and the Facebook page of SJSP
  • Discussion Circle with the Winners: 25 October, from 2pm to 5pm, in Tucarena, with live broadcast by TV PUC and Canal Universitário of São Paulo.

Awards Ceremony: 25 October, from 8pm to 9.30pm, in Tucarena, with live broadcast by TV PUC.

For further information see:  www.premiovladimirherzog.org

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