
Organisations suggest improvements to BNDES transparency policy

Latin American organisations have submitted recommendations for improving BNDES transparency policies. Although the organisations did acknowledge the advances made in recent years, they presented some recommendations with regards to information on the socioenvironmental impacts of projects supported by the bank at home and abroad and suggested publication of more detailed data and information on BNDES-supported ventures.

In the document, the organisations recall how important it is for civil society and the communities affected by socioenvironmental impacts to receive full data with enough time to take appropriate decisions. It is also recommended that documents and impact studies should be provided and that the bank’s institutional policy should be aligned with international principles concerning access to information and transparency.

These recommendations were set out by the Coalizão Regional para a Transparência e a Participação (The Regional Coalition for Transparency and Participation), The Inter-American Association for Environmental Defence and Ecoa – Ecology and Action, with the support of the Inter-American Association for Environmental Defence. The Coalition is made up of Conectas Human Rights (Brazil), DAR (Peru), Asociación Ambiente y Sociedad (Colombia), CEDLA (Bolivia) and CDES (Ecuador).

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