
In a letter, organisations signal racist treatment of the coordinator of the Institute for the Defence of the Black Community

At an event, the lawyer Joel Luiz Costa was introduced based on his personal and family characteristics, while his professional experience was understated

Foto: acervo pessoal/divulgação Foto: acervo pessoal/divulgação

On Wednesday (30), in a letter, seven civil society organisations, including Conectas, spoke out against the treatment of the lawyer, Joel Luiz Costa, Coordinator of IDPN (Institute for the Defence of the Black Community) at an event for the International Day for the Support of Torture Victims, organised by Canal do Conde and broadcast on the Rede TVT channel. 

Costa was the only black participant on the round table discussion which took place on 20 June and he was introduced differently from the other guests. While the academic achievements and professional experience of the others were highlighted, the lawyer was presented with references to his personal and family life and circumstances. The organisations see this as an evident episode of structural racism, given that the lawyer also has considerable professional experience and has contributed at a number of organs. 

“We offer our profound solidarity to Joel Luiz Costa, who we have worked side by side with in building a great many initiatives, seeking precisely to reinforce the principles of the anti-racism fight and the need for this to take root in Brazilian society.” It says in the letter. 

See the full letter here.

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