
Organisations see a lack of engagement between the UN and Iran in guaranteeing human rights

The country has intensified repression of journalists, artists and defenders of the right to freedom of expression and assembly.

Civil society organisations believe the UN’s continuous effort is necessary, in pressuring Iran to carry out reforms to its laws, policies and practices and to guarantee respect for human rights. In a letter, organisations call for the government’s support of UN resolution A/C.3/73/L.42, containing recommendations for the implementation of improved practices to respect human rights in the country.

Iranian authorities have intensified repression of the right to freedom of expression and assembly, arresting journalists, people working on online media, students, artists, writers and human rights defenders. The death penalty is still widespread in the country for crimes related to drug trafficking, homosexuality and adultery. Defenders are also concerned about the execution of people who were under the age of consent (18 years old) at the time the crime was committed.

Forty civil society organisations signed the letter, among them Conectas.

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