
Organisations condemn attacks on the jesuit service working with migrants and refugees in Boa Vista

NGO suffers vilification and threats on social media.

Participants in civil society have issued a note of condemnation against xenophobic, racist attacks on the Jesuit Refugee Service (SJMR) and its collaborators. The aggression on social media is slanderous and threatening. The organisation has been working in Boa Vista, Roraima since 2017 defending and supporting Venezuelan migrants and refugees in the region.

The organisations believe the threats are coming from people with private interests in the land being used to shelter homeless refugees. Organisations see any intervention to re-appropriate land, unless made by a Judge of Law, as criminal and against the law of the land and the rule of law.

The note is signed by Conectas and another 40 organisations, including the Jesuit Refugee Service (SJMR), Observatório Nacional de Justiça Socioambiental Luciano Mendes de Almeida (OLMA) and the Rede de Promoção da Justiça Socioambiental.

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