
Organisations call on Member-States to react to repression in Tanzania

In an open letter, organisations call on member states to put pressure on Tanzania to change legislation that infringes on human rights.

Civil society organisations call on UN Human Rights Council member states to act together to combat repression of civil space and human rights in Tanzania. In an open letter, organisations ask Council member states and observers to present individual and collective declarations calling for the end of any kind of intimidation, assault or attack against human rights defenders, journalists, bloggers or members of the opposing party to the government.

According to the letter, legislation implemented in Tanzania in 2015 aims to repress human rights defenders, opposition and independent media and infringes on freedom of expression, and the right to peaceful assembly and association.

The organisations to call on countries to request that the Tanzanian government take action, in the 39th Ordinary Session of the UN Human Rights Council, from 10 to 28 September in Geneva, Switzerland. Conectas and a further 29 organisations, including Artigo 19 and Global Witness signed the letter.

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