
Opinion: STF could contain overcrowding in centres for the deprivation of liberty of adolescents

We cannot allow the Statute of the Child and Adolescent, the Constitution and Human Rights to be ditched

Plenary of the Federal Supreme Court (STF) Plenary of the Federal Supreme Court (STF)

Article published by Henrique Apolinário, Legal Consultant on the Conectas Institutional Violence Programme, Hugo Fernandes, Public Defender in the state of Espírito Santo, Mariana Chies,  Coordinator of the Department for Childhood and Youth at the Brazilian Institute of Criminal Science and Mayara Silva, Lawyer on the Absolute Priority Programme at the Alana Institute, on the site Jota. 

Overcrowding in centres for adolescents accused of breaking the law are currently violating the Federal Constitution, Statute of the Child and Adolescent and all international treaties ratified by Brazil on this subject. And this is no news. On many occasions Brazil has come under scrutiny with regard (or disregard) for human rights. 

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