
NGOs from 4 countries call for de-bureaucratisation in receiving venezuelans

In a letter, organisations reiterate the importance of the instrumentalisation of humanitarian aid in Brazil

photographer’s name/Agência Brasil
Boa Vista – Venezuelan refugees prepare to leave Roraima headed for São Paulo and Cuiabá (Antônio Cruz/Agência Brasil)
photographer’s name/Agência Brasil Boa Vista – Venezuelan refugees prepare to leave Roraima headed for São Paulo and Cuiabá (Antônio Cruz/Agência Brasil)

Conectas and other civil society organisations from Brazil, Colombia, Peru and Venezuela have signed a joint letter urging the Lima Group to adopt administrative measures immediately, to improve the entry of Venezuelans into other territories. The group, created in 2017, is composed of 14 countries and its aim is to develop strategies to stabilise Venezuela.

The first point raised in the letter is for the implementation of measures that allow agreements signed by a number of countries in the Declaration of Quito, regarding the Human Mobility of Venezuelan Citizens, to be put into effect.

The Declaration arose from a meeting between representatives from eleven countries that took place in 2018 in Ecuador. The intention was to set out possible ways of easing the current Venezuelan migration crisis.

One of the agreements signed envisages accepting out of date travel documents, such as identity cards. In addition, the organisations recommend that countries should adopt universal guidelines for verification of police records.

Finally, they express concern over the growing trend of offering aid with motives other than humanitarian principles. This has been contributing to the criminalisation of workers and volunteers working in Venezuela.

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