
New recommendation does not solve problems combating Covid-19 in prisons

Organizations express concern over the latest rule by the National Justice Council for inefficient measures against coronavirus in detention centers

Foto: Christiano Antonucci Foto: Christiano Antonucci

On Monday, March 22, civil society organizations sent a statement to the CNJ (National Justice Council) expressing concern over the latest rule issued by the Council to combat Covid-19 in the country’s prison and youth detention systems. Recommendation No. 91/2021 was signed by the president of the CNJ, Justice Luiz Fux, and has yet to be approved in a full session of the body. 

Signed by more than 15 organizations, the statement points out that the recommendation is too vague and has no plan for the vaccination of detainees, nor does not contain decarceration measures that are recommended by the UN (United Nations) and OAS (Organization of American States). 

On March 11, the CNJ announced that the number of Covid-19 deaths among prisoners and prison staff had increased by 190% in 2021. Against this backdrop, the organizations are calling attention to the new recommendation given the failure to combat Covid-19 in the prison system. 

“The rule, instead of promoting and prioritizing decarceration measures on account of the overcrowded and insanitary conditions, poor ventilation, bad food quality, lack of access to basic hygiene products and medical treatment and the complete inability to observe health and social distancing measures, maintains the restrictions established by Resolution No. 78/2020,” reads the document. 

Read the statement in full here.

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