On Thursday (12), Conectas Human Rights is hosting an event in conjunction with Redes da Maré to mark the release of the 31st issue of the Sur Journal. The launch will take place on site at the Galpão Normal (Rua 17 de Fevereiro, 237, Rio de Janeiro) and is scheduled to start at 6pm and will last for two hours.
There will be a discussion table at the launch of Sur 31 which will be mediated by its executive editor, Mary Grisales, and the editorial advisor for the journal, Renato Barreto.
Guests will be participating who form the body of writers on this issue: Professor Vera Rodrigues (UNILAB), who took part as a mentor on the writing grant application process for black and indigenous people, held by Conectas in 2021; Angélica Ferrarez (UERJ) and Yara Pinho de Lima (UFRR), two of the authors who published articles in the journal as a result of the grant; Susana Rodrigues Cavalcanti van der Ploeg (ABIA), co-author of one of the articles of this issue; Fernanda Viana Araujo (Casa Preta da Maré) and Luna Escorel Arouca (Redes da Maré), both representing Redes da Maré.
Discussions at the event will cover aspects of the 31st issue of the Sur Journal, with a view to provoking reflection on the impacts of the pandemic and local and global responses to it.