
New IACHR executive secretary

Organizations from the continent ask Paulo Abrão to maintain dialogue with civil society

The IACHR (Inter-American Commission on Human Rights of the OAS) appointed, on August 29, the Brazilian Paulo Abrão as the new executive secretary of the institution. Abrão will hold the office from August 2016 to August 2020, when his term may be renewed for another four years. The IACHR (Inter-American Commission on Human Rights of the OAS) appointed, on August 29, the Brazilian Paulo Abrão as the new executive secretary of the institution. Abrão will hold the office from August 2016 to August 2020, when his term may be renewed for another four years.

The IACHR (Inter-American Commission on Human Rights of the OAS) appointed, on August 29, the Brazilian Paulo Abrão as the new executive secretary of the institution. Abrão will hold the office from August 2016 to August 2020, when his term may be renewed for another four years. In a letter to the new secretary, a group of more than 300 human rights organizations from the region, among them Conectas, welcomed his appointment and reinforced their concerns about the financial crisis facing the institution – the worst in its history.

In the document, the Coalition of Organizations for Human Rights in the Americas recommended strengthening the IACHR’s communication channels with civil society, so that organizations can keep abreast of the strategic plans and the actions that are being taken to resolve the crisis.

The group also expressed concern over the suspension of the Commission’s 160th Period of Sessions due to lack of funds and requested information on the strategies of the board to guarantee that the next periods are held.

“As far as the Coalition is concerned, the hearings and working meetings are a key mechanism for the promotion, protection and defense of human rights in the region. Moreover, they bring together and ensure access to inter-American justice for hundreds of victims of human rights violations on the continent – who, in turn, provide relevant information for the work of the IACHR,” reads the letter.

Another priority identified by the Coalition is the development of the IACHR’s strategic plan for the next four years. According to the organizations, this plan should prioritize the region’s most pressing issues and focus on actions to improve the efficiency, publicity, transparency and sustainability of the institution.

  • Click here to read the letter in full.

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