
Ministry of Justice receives recommendation to observe best practices for asylum applications

In a document, the National Human Rights Council claims that holding interviews to grant requests is a right that must be respected

On Wednesday, December 9, the CNDH (National Human Rights Council) issued a recommendation to Conare (National Committee for Refugees), a body of the Ministry of Justice and Public Security, for the committee to observe its own rules on good international practices when handling requests for asylum in the country.

In the recommendation, the Council draws on the constitutional values that ensure a full defense and the right of applicants to be interviewed and to have their situations properly assessed.

Interviews in cases of asylum applications are even a requirement established by UNHCR (Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees), as well as a minimum guarantee that cannot be ignored.

The CNDH is asking the Justice Minister to overturn a recent decision of Conare to not accept asylum requests by interview, given claims that the applications are clearly fabricated.

Read the recommendation in full

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