
Institutions call for transparency in evaluation for consultative status with UN

According to organisations, some of the Committee’s internal processes are being implemented contrary to UN resolutions and recommendations.

Economic and Social Council 2019 session, 1st plenary meeting Election of New President and Vice President Marie Chatardov‡, Permanent Representative of the Czech Republic to the UN and outgoing President of the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) makers closing remarks. Economic and Social Council 2019 session, 1st plenary meeting Election of New President and Vice President Marie Chatardov‡, Permanent Representative of the Czech Republic to the UN and outgoing President of the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) makers closing remarks.

In a statement to the NGOs Committee of the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations (ECOSOC), organisations working in the area of human rights, from a number of countries, showed concern about Committee practices in evaluating applications by institutions for consultative status with the ECOSOC.

When organisations are given consultative status by the ECOSOC they can organise events in parallel to Human Rights Council sessions, gain speaking time and participate in official meetings, among other activities. In order to apply for consultative status, organisations must be officially registered as an NGO/non-profit making organisation, have a representative structure, adopt a democratic, transparent constitution and policies, as well as other requirements.

Signatories of the letter consider “the relationship between the UN and NGOs to be one that should evolve in the direction of safeguarding and encouraging the right of NGOs to participate in UN processes”. According to the organisations, some of the Committee’s working practices are implemented contrary to UN resolutions and recommendations, as well as inappropriately impeding the participation of NGOs, in particular human rights organisations.

According to the organisations, the Committee should adopt changes to ensure objectivity, fairness and speed in evaluating requests from institutions that wish to apply for consultative status with the ECOSOC and ensure that they have the chance to respond to any objection to their obtaining consultative status.

The signatories of the letter are: Conectas Human Rights, Cairo Institute for Human Rights Studies, Human Rights Council of Australia and another 255 organisations.

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