
Information course on journalism and human rights: Selected candidates

The fifth edition of the course will start on 1 September.

Conectas, Oboré, Abraji and IPFD announce the names of the 20 candidates selected to take part in the 5th Information Course on Journalism and Human Rights, in the module Reporter of the Future. In addition to the students, seven journalists will be invited to participate as observers.

A hundred and sixty eight students from 50 different universities in 13 Brazilian states, applied for the course. Marcelo Soares will be responsible for academic coordination for this edition. The course starts on 1 September.

See below the list of successful candidates:


Amanda Flávia Satabile dos Santos – Mackenzie – 5th semester

Ana Maria de Matos Guidi – PUC-SP – 4th semester

Bianca Ribeiro – Anhanguera – 8th semester

Carolina Leite da Franca – FIAM-FAAM – 7th semester

Carolina Zanatta – UFF/RJ – 5th semester

Caroline Vieira Bueno de Oliveira – FESPSP – 2nd semester

Emily Santos da Cruz – São Judas – 6th semester

Erick Araújo da Silva – Law/USP – 2nd semester

Fabio Freller – PUC-SP – 4th semester

Gabriela Silva de Carvalho – UNESP – 8th semester

Giovanna de Almeida Galvani – Cásper Líbero – 6th semester

Isabella Arca Vieira – PUC-SP – 4th semester

João Antônio Benz Fagim – ECA/USP – 6th semester

Liliane de Souza Chaves – UNISANTOS – 8th semester

Mariana Vick Gonçalves – ECA/USP – 8th semester

Mauricio Miranda Abbade – Cásper Líbero – 4th semester

Micaela Cristina dos Santos – São Judas – 7th semester

Pedro Henrique Garcia Firmino Silva – Cásper Líbero – 4th semester

Rafaela Viana dos Santos – IRI/USP – 6th semester

Yasmin Oliveira Caetano – ECA/USP – 2nd semester



Amanda Petraglia Nunes

Ariádne Mussato

Edione Abreu

Jane Eyre Queiroz

Júlia Daher Marques

Mayara de Lima Nunes

Thalita Almeida Monte Santo

Successful applicants should confirm their interest by email to reporterdofuturo@obore.com and register on Tuesday 28 August at the OBORÉ offices (Av. Paulista, 2300 – pilotis – Ed. São Luiz Gonzaga – São Paulo – SP). If anyone withdraws from the course, candidates will be called from the waiting list.

About the course

The course starts on 1 September at 9am at the Conectas offices. It will consist of a total of six meetings, which will be held on Saturdays.

This module covers reporting techniques and journalistic tools, public financing of large construction projects, prison conditions in Brazil, migration, the role of Brazil at the UN and the OAS.

Reimbursement Agreement

On registration, each student must provide a cheque for the current minimum salary, R$ 954.00 and sign the Reimbursement Agreement which, if fully complied with, will mean students are granted a 100% award and their cheques will be returned.

Non-compliance with any of the goals will lead to the student paying the full cost of the course. The goals are: (1) participation in all the meetings (2) production of weekly texts (3) scheduling of at least one individual meeting and (4) publication in the media of at least one piece, related to the theme of the course, with a responsible editor.

In the case of PLAGIARISM or any other type of FRAUD found in the work produced, the student will be advised and will lose the right to REIMBURSEMENT and will not receive the course certificate.


1/9 | 9am to 2pm – Journalism today: reflections and practices

Marcelo Soares, academic coordinator of the course

Journalist, Teacher and Specialist in data analysis. He was one of the first Brazilian reporters to work with ‘CAR computer-assisted reporting’, now known as Data Journalism, at Folha de S. Paulo, the first audience development editor in the Brazilian press. He has worked as a consultant and on courses on audience and data analysis since 2016. To see his work: www.intelitexto.com.

15/9 | 9am to 2pm – UN and OAS Systems

Jefferson Nascimento

Advisor on the Development and Socio-environmental Rights programme. He is a Doctor in International Law at the Universidade de São Paulo (2017). He graduated in Law at the USP Law School (2005). He is a Lawyer and has worked on global and regional systems for the protection of human rights and litigation in cases of human rights violations by businesses.

22/9 | 9am to 2pm – The Brazilian prison system

Marcos Fuchs

Associate Director at Conectas. He was one of the leaders in the introduction of the pro bono system in Brazil and is currently spreading this idea in countries in South America. He participated in discussions on the Pro Bono resolution, approved by the São Paulo Bar Organisation, in August 2002. He has given numerous talks at universities and lawyers associations. He is the author of a booklet expanding access to the legal system, published by the Centre for Victims of Torture of the organisation, New Tactics in Human Rights. He worked, in a voluntary capacity, as the administrative director of the community channel of the São Paulo Bar Organisation. OAB/SP (2004/2005).

29/9 | 9am to 2pm – The impact of large construction works

Julia Cortez da Cunha Cruz

She graduated in Law at the Universidade de São Paulo and gained a Masters degree at Harvard University and also at USP, in International Law. She works in the Development and Socio-environmental Rights department at Conectas, through a fellowship funded by the Harvard Public Service Venture Fund. She has worked at the Getulio Vargas Foundation Centre for Human Rights, at the Organisation of American States and at the Gaspar Garcia Centre for Human Rights.
20/10 | 9am to 2pm – Migration

Camila Asano
She is the Programme Coordinator at Conectas. She is an internationalist and has a Masters in Political Science at USP. She is currently also responsible for coordinating the Democratic Space programme and international activity at Conectas. She is an advisor on the National Human Rights Council and on the Municipal Council for Migrant Policy in the city of São Paulo. She is also Executive Secretary on the Brazilian Committee for Human Rights and Foreign Policy.  She holds a seat on the Council of the Centre for Civil and Political Rights at the Geneva headquarters (Switzerland) and on the GACint, Guidance Council on the Global Scenario Group at USP. She has been a Lecturer in International Relations at FAAP in São Paulo since 2010.

10/11 | 9am to 2pm

End of course get together

End of course appraisal by the team and coordinators and presentation of certificates.

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