
Indonesia :: persecution of an activist

Authorities intimidate activist who denounced involvement of government officials in drug trafficking

The activist and director of the human rights NGO Kontras (Commission for the Disappeared and Victims of Violence), Haris Azhar, has become the target of charges and threats by the Indonesian State after denouncing the involvement of local officials in drug trafficking in the country.

Azhar has been charged by the National Police, the Indonesian Military and the National Narcotics Agency with defamation and violation of the Electronic Information and Transactions Law on account of a complaint made during the trial of a prisoner who was convicted for drug trafficking and executed in 2014.

In a letter sent to Indonesian President Joko Widodo, Conectas stressed that the authorities with specific mandates to prevent the spread of drug trafficking in Indonesia should “investigate the involvement of the State in drug-related crimes instead of charging the person who brought this complaint to light”.

“In the spirit of cooperation and transparency, we ask the Indonesian government to respect the national and international commitments made by the country for the protection of democracy and human rights and to guarantee that Haris Azhar and other human rights defenders are protected,” said Ana Cernov, coordinator of the South-South program at Conectas.

Among the measures suggested by Conectas in the letter is the establishment of an independent team “to monitor and assess law enforcement practices related to narcotics cartels” and the immediate dropping of charges against Azhar.

  • Click here to read the letter in full.

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