
Immigration on the agenda

Civil society presses Justice Secretary to convene meeting of immigration committee

28/06/2015 - Florianópolis,  Mais 27 haitianos chegaram a Florianópolis na noite deste domingo (28). O grupo com 17 homens e 10 mulheres deixou Rio Branco, no Acre, na quinta-feira (25). Segundo a Secretaria de Assistência Social da capital, após o cadastramento, 14 haitianos devem passar a noite no abrigo. 28/06/2015 - Florianópolis, Mais 27 haitianos chegaram a Florianópolis na noite deste domingo (28). O grupo com 17 homens e 10 mulheres deixou Rio Branco, no Acre, na quinta-feira (25). Segundo a Secretaria de Assistência Social da capital, após o cadastramento, 14 haitianos devem passar a noite no abrigo.

The members of CASC-Migrante (Committee on Civil Society Monitoring of Immigration and Asylum Actions) have asked the National Justice Secretary, Astério Pereira dos Santos, to urgently convene the committee’s next meeting.

Now that the process to regulate the New Immigration Law is in progress, the participants consider it crucial to establish dialogue between the National Justice Department and CASC-Migrante, the committee set up with a consultative and advisory capacity on matters relating to public policies, actions and programs on immigration and asylum. The committee members are calling for broad social participation and transparency in the definition of immigration policies.

Besides Conectas, the letter sent to Secretary Santos requesting the meeting was signed by Missão Paz, CAMI (Support Center for Immigrants), GAIRE (Advisory Group on Immigrants and Refugees) and another 10 organizations and individuals that specialize on the topic and serve on the committee.

  • Click here to read the letter of request.

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