
Hydroelectric dams in the Amazon

Conectas participates in public hearing in Lower House of Congress on social and environmental impact of large-scale projects

The social and environmental impact of the construction of large hydroelectric dams in the Amazon River Basin was the subject of a public hearing organized by the Environment Committee of the Lower House of Congress. The social and environmental impact of the construction of large hydroelectric dams in the Amazon River Basin was the subject of a public hearing organized by the Environment Committee of the Lower House of Congress.

The social and environmental impact of the construction of large hydroelectric dams in the Amazon River Basin was the subject of a public hearing organized by the Environment Committee of the Lower House of Congress.

Caio Borges, a lawyer for the Business and Human Rights program at Conectas, participated in the event and commented on the financing of large construction projects and the responsibility of financial institutions to include safeguards in their financing contracts.

Visit the page of the public hearing.

See the participation of Conectas.


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