
Glenn Greenwald charged by federal prosecutors without investigation

Organizations from the JusDh human rights group express condemnation at the prosecution of the journalist for criminal conspiracy

 (Foto: Lula Marques) (Foto: Lula Marques)

The Office of the Prosecutor-General in the Federal District filed charges on Tuesday, January 21, against the journalist Glenn Greenwald for having actively participated in hacking into conversations between government officials and people engaged in the “Lava Jato” (Car Wash) corruption investigations. 

Even after the Federal Police recently concluded that the journalist from the site The Intercept Brasil had adopted a “careful and distant posture regarding the execution of the hacks”, the Federal Prosecutor’s Office has charged, without evidence, the lead journalist responsible for the story known as “Vaza Jato” (Car Wash Leaks).

In a statement, the civil society organizations that form the JusDh (Justice and Human Rights Articulation) network expressed concern over the episode and called for the rejection of the charges against the journalist that conflict with a recent Supreme Court ruling in favor of suspending the investigation.

“A blatant violation of press freedom and persecution of a communication professional, the charges are still subject to judicial review, there being no possible solution, in our opinion, other than its prompt rejection,” reads the statement.


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