
Fifth episode of Cara Pessoa analyzes problems in the Brazilian prison system

Fifth episode of Cara Pessoa analyzes problems in the Brazilian prison system

This Friday, November 13, the podcast Cara Pessoa releases its fifth episode that addresses the criminal justice system in Brazil and its problems.

Hosted by the journalist Fernanda Mena, the podcast is a joint production of the Folha newspaper and Conectas and this week’s guest is the doctor Drauzio Varella – who has written three books on the Brazilian prison system.

Varella, who is also a columnist for the Folha, has been volunteering at prisons for 30 years and he shares what he has seen and learned about Brazilian prisons.

The podcast also features two young black former prisoners who raise topics taken from their own experience: one was unjustly imprisoned and the other, even after serving his sentence, realized that he lost many of his rights after leaving prison.

Together with Sheila de Carvalho, who serves on the National Committee to Combat and Prevent Torture, and Marina Dias Werneck, executive director of the IDDD (Defense of the Right to a Defense Institute), the program makes an analysis of the justice system in Brazil and of whether it is, in fact, restorative.

The Cara Pessoa podcast is available every Friday, at 9 am, on all the main audio streaming platforms.

The narrative of the episodes adopts a format of reading letters that are addressed to the listeners. In this manner, various stories of human rights thinkers are told in a light-hearted and creative way.

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