
External pressure

Organizations demand position from UN Human Rights Council on crisis in Venezuela

Venezuelanos aguardam na fila da Polícia Federal em Boa Vista (RO) - Foto: Gustavo Huppes Venezuelanos aguardam na fila da Polícia Federal em Boa Vista (RO) - Foto: Gustavo Huppes

Civil society organizations will ask the UN Human Rights Council, at its 36th session that will take place from September 11-29, to reprimand Venezuela for the deepening humanitarian and human rights crisis in the country.

In August this year, the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights published a report stating that extensive human rights violations and abuses have been committed in the context of protests against the government of Nicolás Maduro. According to the High Commissioner Zeid Ra’ad Al Hussein, this indicates the existence of a policy to repress political dissident.

Moreover, the Venezuelan people have been struggling with a serious shortage of food and medicines. Official statistics from 2016 reveal that infant mortality has increased 30% and maternal mortality is up 65%.

The organizations say the Venezuelan justice system has failed to bring those responsible for abuses to justice, guaranteeing that they can continue to act with impunity. They are asking Member States to send a clear message to the Venezuelan government that these abuses will not be tolerated and to demand that the Maduro government take action to guarantee the rights of the Venezuelan population, among other ways by ending the repression and releasing political prisoners.

“The Human Rights Council should also take the recommendations of the High Commissioner for Human Rights into account and request his office to continue to monitor the human rights situation in the country closely and report regularly to the Council,” said the organizations in conclusion.

The statement was signed by Conectas, 81 Venezuelan organizations and another 34 international organizations.

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