
Event to debate on national and international parameters of Military Justice; register

Next Wednesday (05th October), a hybrid activity brings together experts and human rights defenders to reflect on the role of military courts in Brazil and other countries

Sede do Tribunal de Justiça Militar do Estado de São Paulo. (Foto: divulgação) Sede do Tribunal de Justiça Militar do Estado de São Paulo. (Foto: divulgação)

On Wednesday the 5th of October, Conectas and the Clinic for Diversity and Human Rights Policies, from FGV Direito SP, hold an event to launch the technical note “Accountability and Military Justice among national and international parameters”. There is possibility of participating in the activity in person in São Paulo or online via Youtube. To register, follow this link.

The event is born from the work developed by the Clinic for Diversity and Human Rights Policies by the students of the Graduate Program at FGV Direito SP together with their partners. From studies on the constitutional limits and international human rights law for the Military Justice in Brazil, in the light of its history, comparison with other countries and international and national regulations, the research sought to answer what would be the obligations in human rights in the field of accountability of the Brazilian State for human rights violations committed by police and military agents, in light of the recommendations and determinations of global and regional human rights bodies such as the UN and OAS.

Order of Program and participants:

8 am – Opening

Thiago Amparo, professor and coordinator of the Center for Racial Justice and L aw and the Clinic of Diversity and Human Rights Policies at FGV Direito SP, researcher at New York University (NYU) and visiting professor at Univ. from Columbia/ILAS

8:15 am – Presentation of the Technical Note “Military Justice: Brazilian panorama and international parameters”

Letícia Gongora, undergraduate student at FGV Law SP

Kannan César da Costa, undergraduate student at FGV Law SP

8:45 am – Comments

Caroline Leal, lawyer at Conectas Human Rights

Gabriel Sampaio, lawyer at Conectas Human Rights

Thainã Medeiros, co-founder of Coletivo Papo Reto

Luã Ferreira, sociologist and researcher at the Núcleo de Estudos Guerreiro Ramos (Negra) at the Federal University of Fluminense and at the Center for Racial Justice and Law at FGV Direito SP

10:15 am – Debates and questions from the audience

10:45 am – Closing

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